Viva La Healthy Vulva


A little maintenance goes a long way toward keeping your vulva healthy. Feeling clean and knowing you’re infection-free can actually make you a better lover and lover of sex. This doesn’t mean that your genitals are dirty or in need of constant cleaning — a healthy vagina actually cleanses itself — but a few simple steps can help you keep your vulva in excellent condition.

  • Wash up: Clean your genital area every time you shower to minimize infections. A mild, fragrance-free cleanser works well, such as Summer’s Eve Feminine Bath or even a sensitive-skin face wash. You can also gently shampoo and condition your pubic hair to keep it soft and fragrant. Avoid cleansers that contain glycolic acid or abrasives. Once you’re done showering, be sure to thoroughly dry the entire area — dampness can promote bacterial and yeast infections.
  • Go for cotton: Comfortable cotton panties will keep you dry and clean all day long. Cotton fabric is best because it’s breathable and it stretches; it also helps keep odor and discharge at their most natural levels. Synthetic fabrics, on the other hand, promote bacterial growth and stop air from reaching the genitals, which can cause infections and excess discharge and odor. Fortunately, there are lots of sexy cotton panties out there, so you can look hot and be comfortable every day.
  • Breathe easy: Anything that keeps things airy can help your vulva stay fresh. So try sleeping without underwear to give your genitals some breathing room. Though it can take some getting used to, you can also try going “commando” during the day — this means no panties!
  • Embrace your scent: Don’t try to mask your genital odor with deodorant soaps, sprays, or douches, because they can irritate the vagina and destroy healthy bacteria. An important part of loving your genitals is accepting and embracing your natural scent. However, if it is negatively affecting your sexuality, you can douche with a simple water and vinegar solution once a week or less to improve your genital odor. You may also consider using odor-neutralizing and unscented alternatives to douches. Unscented wipes can be handy, for instance, since you can carry them in your purse
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