Yeast Infections and Vaginal Itching


Discomfort ‘down there’ can be unpleasant and embarrassing — so it’s important to learn how to deal with yeast issues and itching.

Many women have experienced intense vaginal itching at some point in their lives, often as the result of a yeast infection, also known as candidiasis. What is the best way to deal with a yeast infection and/or vaginal itching, and why does it occur?

According to Edwin Huang, MD, a gynecologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston: “The vagina is home to normal, good bacteria that keeps bad bacteria at bay.” And when the balance between good and bad bacteria is upset, Dr. Huang explains, an overgrowth of yeasts can result, causing a yeast infection. In some cases, an overgrowth of the wrong kind of bacteria may also lead to a bacterial infection.

Common Causes of Vaginal Itching
According to Huang, there are a number of things that can lead to yeast infection as well as other causes of vaginal itching. These include:

  • Too-tight workout clothes. Exercising in close-fitting clothes — especially if you don’t have time for a shower after your workout — can lead to vaginal itching, Huang says. Yeast and bacteria grow in warm, damp places, and body-hugging clothes can lead you to sweat more than usual. Always take a shower after workouts, or make sure to dry or air out your vaginal area after you exercise to keep from creating a hospitable environment for yeast and bacteria to thrive.
  • Contact dermatitis. “Detergent, dye, and preservatives found in common products like douches, pads, and soaps can cause irritation in the vaginal area,” Huang says. If you notice vaginal irritation or itching after using any of these products, consider switching to scent-free versions. Avoid scented tampons and skip douching altogether.
  • Antibiotics. If you are taking antibiotics for another condition and notice vaginal itching, it could be a yeast infection. Antibiotics kill bacteria — which is great news if you have pneumonia but not so good if the antibiotics also kill off the beneficial bacteria that live in your body. When this type of overkill occurs, it can clear the way for yeast to overgrow and for a yeast infection to develop. As for treating a yeast infection with antibiotics, Huang says, “A yeast infection will not respond to antibiotics, because antibiotics can’t kill yeast.” On the other hand, antibiotics might help your symptoms if the itching is caused by a bacterial infection. Metronidazole (Flagyl) and clindamycin (Cleocin) are antibiotics that are prescribed most often to treat itching caused by bacterial infection.

Possible Treatments for Vaginal Itching
The do’s and don’ts for easing vaginal itching include:

  • Don’t douche. “We do not recommend douching. It is possible to traumatize the vagina by over-douching,” Huang says, adding that douching can upset the natural bacterial balance in the vagina and lead to yeast or bacterial overgrowth. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says the vagina can clean itself, and they agree that douching is a bad idea. Although the betadine douche is sometimes recommended as a cure for yeast infection, Huang says “Betadine is an antiseptic, which can be irritating to the skin of the vagina.”
  • Do consider medication. According to Huang, Monistat-7 is an effective over-the-counter medication used to treat yeast infections, but you have to be sure you really do have a yeast infection before using such products. So before resorting to over-the-counter remedies, always be sure to check with a doctor to make sure that it isn’t something else that’s causing your symptoms. Prescription drugs are also available for yeast infections if over-the-counter treatments don’t work.
  • Do talk to your doctor. Huang says that treatment depends upon what is causing your vaginal itching symptoms. If you don’t know what is causing your discomfort, check with your doctor. He or she can look at the problem and recommend appropriate treatment.
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